My Purple Funeral ♥
Skin: more more. more more. yena skin_milk tone
Eyes: [Cubic Cherry] {Nyx} eyes (bom) @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa 2022
Hair: :::Phoenix::: Rachel Hair Fatpack @Satan Inc
Crown and lipstick: Wixla Sari Set Fatpack @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa 2022
Dress: DEAD DOLL - Tragedeigh Dress - Fatpack @Satan Inc
Garters: *>Kiu<* - Leg Bandages_Fatpack @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa 2022
Purse: [Fetch] Coffin Purse @Satan Inc
Backdrop: K&S - // End of story..? Backdrop
Crypt: Serenity Style - The Crypt @Satan Inc
Trees: Lilith's Den - Gatekeeper Dryads @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa 2022
Big Pumpkins: Raindale - Mewbury Cat @Satan Inc
Small Pumpkins:Raindale - Mewbury kitty in a basket (Mystery Item) @Satan Inc
Crowns: YOKAI - Little Crows @Satan Inc
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